how to index blog

How to Get your blog Indexed by Google Within a Very Short Span of Time?

Has the appetite for being a successful blogger come to you? Don’t know how to be successful with a blog? Well, you are not the first one in the world to face these challenges. Blogging makes different sense to different people. Bloggers face a variety of challenges of which getting their blogs indexed by Google is the toughest.

To begin with, you will have to clearly understand what Search Engine Indexing is all about. Putting it in simple words, it is the process of capturing and saving data from your portals and blogs, so that the data can be listed whenever a search is made. The listed data will be ranked based on so many factors.

Before going any further, you must understand that patience is the key to your success when it comes to blogging. If you have just begun your blog, you will have to wait for it to be recognized. In the meanwhile, here are some tips to get your blog indexed in quick time.

1) By Commenting
Blog commenting is a strong means of getting your blog indexed. It is recommended that you make your comments on blogs with high page ranks on a regular basis. It is one of the easiest ways to get high quality backlinks in short periods of time.

2) Updating your blog
In order to stay on top or get indexed, it is important to update your blogs regularly. Whenever fresh contents are made, Google crawlers index them faster. The more frequently you update your blog, the better will be the indexing.

3) Make use of the Ping services
Whenever you update your blog, use the Ping service to index your contents faster. Ping services will index your contents by pinging them to the respective search engines. and are two popular ping services.

4) Make use of PuSHPRESS
This plug-in can schedule pings rapidly. Once you install the plug-in, a hub support will be added in your WordPress blog. When a new post is added to your blog, this service distributes the contents to subscribers like Google Reader, feedburner etc.

5) Make use of Tumblr Blog
Tumblr is a cost-free blogging service. This service helps you index your post quickly. You may consider the following points to make full use of the free service.

• Go to the customization page of your Tumblr blog.
• Transfer your Tumblr blog to a new post or new domain.
• Begin reblogging and also linking other blogs.

After 20 to 25 likes or reblogs, your post will be indexed. There are no definite success guarantees but thousands of blogger have succeeded with the service.

6) Make use of social bookmarking strategy
By using social bookmarking strategy, you can generate links at once. There are many community bookmarking sites where your blog can be submitted. Some popular social sites include StumbleUpon Twitter and Digg. All you have to do is to ‘favorite’ your blog and ask your friends to do the same. This is a powerful means of getting powerful and natural linkbacks.

There are hundreds of organic ways to get your blogs indexed by Google. The above mentioned points are few strong ways with which you will do well.

Michael Rae is a freelance writer who loves to write about Blogging, SEO, Social Media and the latest about the internet.

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